
我們是一群對台灣現有媒體深感憂慮及憤慨的青年人,2014 年 4 月 18 日,Report For Taiwan成立。所有的事情要從 2014 年 3 月 18 日說起,一群反對政府以輕率的態度強行通過《兩岸經濟貿易協定》的大學生,占領了立法院靜坐抗議長達 20 天,喚醒台灣年輕人開始關心生活在其中腳下的土地,其後續也激動台灣社會追求公平正義的力量。





Report For Taiwan 

2014/06/05 中文記者組組員寫作


Founded on April 18th, 2014, a group of Taiwanese and foreigners gathered to make a stance. A noble but humble stance, to invigorate the Taiwanese public. With the looming bias that is rampant within existing media and other parts of public communication, this group of young people decided it was time to return journalism and media to its basic form: SHOW BUT DON'T TELL.

Gathering information and discussing news within the group and outside to the general public, we strive to put things into perspective, giving as many angles as possible, so that the Taiwanese public can better understand what to do next in their country. Democracy takes time to mature and grow, and definitely will do so with our push to clarity, truth, and honor. 

Report for Taiwan serves as a platform for communication for both domestic and international matter & a beacon for direction in a society that is clouded by political and corporate bias. We don't have a stance to be frank. 

Strictly speaking, there is only one stance we hold: to provide all that is beneficial for the improvement and sovereignty of Taiwan as a nation of Southeast Asian territory. Enough said. Read somethin' else! :DDD

